Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why I Love White Cowboy Boots

!9# Why I Love White Cowboy Boots

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Imagine the following brief scenario. She walked into the saloon wearing white cowboy boots and everyone immediately noticed. It wasn't just the long beautiful flowing hair, her amazing smile, absurdly beautiful eyes, or that the little lady loudly ordered a double Jack Daniels. It was all that, and the white cowboy boots; the finishing touch, the coup de grace, the topping on her obviously definitive style.

What is it about white cowboy boots? I'll admit to liking cowboy boots of most types and styles, but white cowboy boots seem to stand alone to me. They simply stand out. They are without doubt my favorite, at least for ladies, and I have bought pairs for my wife, daughters, and niece as well. I've also bought myself a pair too and love the look on men!
Not all white cowboy boots are of course entirely white, although they sometimes are. They often incorporate white as base color and add other decorative touches or the bottom or top of the boots may be white. My pair is primarily but not entirely white for example.

For a lady, white boots are not only a beautiful touch but perhaps the most flexible of colors. White boots go with a wide of array of styles, colors, and outfits. For a first pair of boots they are perhaps the most widely useful. Yes, you may end up with several pairs eventually, but you probably want that first pair to go with as many outfits as possible. Most white boots are for ladies.

For men they make a statement, perhaps "I know what I like and I'm man enough to wear it." Not don't get me wrong, men's white boots can be extremely masculine and are flowing with style.  The question men is whether it's your style and whether you can handle it. I'm sure if it was John Wayne's style he would have had no problem. White cowboy boots look great on many men; they also look silly on some, like me!

Certainly men's white boots like the Laredo Men's Water Snake and Dan Post Men's Falcon Boot, are both brimming with very different style, yet very masculine. On the right man they are simply breathtaking. I won't claim they are for every man however.

Ladies do have a much larger selection of White Cowboy Boots. There are many styles available, some of which may surprise you! Any retailer will have a multitude of styles and shapes available, and you can always look online as well.

Why I Love White Cowboy Boots

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